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Working from home with Team UpCircle

UpCircle HQ is a pretty quiet place at the moment. Most of the team is working from home, leaving just UpCircle co-founders Anna and Will and our operational mastermind Juliana holding the fort.

For us, the main thing during these unnerving times is to stay positive - and to continue working together closely as a team, despite having to physically split up!

So let's check in with the "at home crew" and see how they're adapting during Lockdown 2.0.  


1. I'm staying sane these days by...

Most importantly, breaking up work with exercise and cooking! Working from home can often blur your personal and professional life. My latest cooking trial has been Korean food. The joy of doing a puzzle, something I had forgotten since I was a kid. Being able to go on a lunchtime walk to Ally Pally has been so refreshing as well.

2. My work space must include...

Something to snack on! Probably not a good habit, but helps me get through the day! Fruit and tea are my wake-up call. And of course, some chocolate later on.

3. I'm staying optimistic because...

The opportunity to work from home has really shown how capable we are as team. All 7 of us have got to work together, and this second lockdown is no different. Working from home in the past might have been seen as big no from employers, probably from the idea that they don’t trust their employees. At UpCircle we’ve not only thrived by integrating working at home, but we’ve been able to realise a good work ethic, and I feel enabled in that trust we all have in each other to work remotely! 



1. I'm staying sane these days by...

Walking everyday and jogging (only when it's not rainy though ofc haha) - getting daylight and exercising outdoors is a MUST for me when I'm cooped up inside all day. That and cooking myself meals I really look forward to, my current fave being a BIG bowl of tofu ramen - yum!

2. My work space must include...

HEAT! I can't stand being cold, which is why you'll see a radiator in my pic.
A glass of water. Often in the colder months it's so easy to forget to drink enough, but I find keeping hydrated helps my mood, concentration and skin to all be at their best.
Music. I love to have my Spotify on in the background (WFH has to have some perks right?), I find it helps me to chill and focus whilst all the emails flood in ha!

3. I'm staying optimistic because...

We got through this the first time, and we can all get through this again. Lockdown 1.0 was hard because it was the complete unknown, but I feel we're all now better equipped to understand how to look after ourselves in Lockdown 2.0 - the end is nearer in sight this time!


1. I'm staying sane these days by…

Keeping positive. Winter is upon us and it is breathtakingly beautiful. Our planet now has a rest from the usual high levels of pollution and we are already seeing the major impact. Hopefully this will help change people’s mentalities towards the severity of climate change… (silver lining?!)

2. My work space must include...

My oil diffuser (full of anti-viral tea tree), note pad, candle, a biggg beaker of vegan iced latte and, of course, the UpCircle Moisturiser so I can keep my skin hydrated. All of these things help me to feel calm, creative and productive. I'm also enjoying being able to work with the company of my dogs in this new at home setup!!

3. I'm staying optimistic because…

I know that the calm will always come after the storm. We shall get through this together, even though they are confusing and heart-breaking times, it has unified us and we will emerge from this pandemic as a stronger planet and as stronger people.



1. I'm staying sane these days by…

Getting as much fresh air as I can and doing creative projects in my spare time. I usually cycle or walk half of the way to work which really sets me up for the day so every morning I go for at least an hour walk and then on my lunch break I try to go for a quick 15-minute wander. I’ve always liked doing crafty things so it’s nice to have some proper time for them! I'm currently embroidering a bag for my sister for Christmas.

2. My work space must include...

A comfy chair, my notebook and lots of water, sparkling if possible. I’m naturally a messy person so I try to keep it simple and decluttered for work to help me focus. I also like being able to see out of a window especially at this time of year when daylight hours are limited. 


3. I'm staying optimistic because…

Humans are brilliant and tough and resilient! We’ve got through a lot and we can get through this too. It’s important to keep reaching out to loved ones and checking in on them and to reach out if you ever need help too (don’t forget me and the rest of the team are always here for chat if you need)!


Have you got any tips for a productive at home work setup? Share them in the comments below!

Hope you're all keeping well. Sending love, from Team UpCircle x