In August we announced our "Back to School" book donation campaign as part of our continued response and support for #BlackLivesMatter. For this we pledged to donate 100 book bundles to primary schools across the UK, inspired by the importance of children's education in anti-racism.
We're thrilled to announce, that with added donations, we have reached 135 primary schools! Our book bundles made their way all across the UK, from Bournemouth to Belfast and beyond. 🚀

🚌 The Last Stop on Market Street - CJ is disappointed with having to get the bus when his friends get the car. His Nana helps him to see the beauty and fun in their routine.
🌊 Clean Up! - Rocket goes to the Caribbean to visit her grandparents, but is shocked by the pollution spoiling their home and putting the local sea life at risk
💙 Little Leaders: Exceptional Men in Black History - beautiful illustrated book that illuminates iconic and lesser-known male figures in history.
💜 Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History - illustrated book that shows inspiring female figures in history.
✨My Hair a little girl searches for the best party hair, showcasing a dazzling array of intricate hairstyles
There are two more brilliant children's books we want to shout out:
🦁 Shiloh and Dande the Lion, by Ciara Hill. Ciara says the book is about "embracing diversity, accepting others, and courageously being yourself”. Buy here.
🥽 Life of Baxby 2, by Janai Eley. Janai says "Hey guys Baxby is back, and this time she is making slime, Help Baxby her friends make slime for the science project coming up. I promise you don't want to miss out." Buy here.

At the start of summer we announced The Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust as our chosen charity for our Hand Wash. Since then we have raised £325, so thank you to everyone who purchased! 🥳October marks Black History Month here in the UK. To celebrate this, our chosen charity for October will be BLAM UK. BLAM (Black Learning Achievement and Mental Health) works to "promote a positive dialogue of social identity and culture through history". They provide free Black history resources and lessons to children, as well as many other initiatives. 🏫
You can buy a Hand Wash to donate here.