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UpCircle wins FSB Ethical Green Business of the Year!

  • 1 min read

We were thrilled to be shortlisted as one of 6 brands up for the Federation of Small Business Ethical Green Business of the year. 

This award is designed to recognise the most ethical, socially responsible or green business out there.

The other brands shortlisted in our category were The One Brand, Farmer Fem Limited, NEMI Teas and Oddbox - safe to say the bar was pretty high, which made us even more proud to have landed the win.

Anna attended the awards ceremony last week in London - a nice way to spend the afternoon!

The day became even better when we were announced as the winners of our category!

Anna was interviewed on stage and then joined by the other category finalists (photographed below). 


Now that we have won in our category for the London Finals we go through to the UK Finals on 23rd May - keep your fingers crossed for us!!

We are beyond excited to have been given this recognition and excited to attend the national finals next month!

Thanks for all of your support along the journey! x x